Frequency Range |
5.000 to 33.000MHz |
Crystal Cut |
Frequency / Stability |
Per customer requirements, see how - to - oder instruction
Typical :
¡¾100ppb Typical : ¡¾0.2ppm
Best : ¡¾10ppb |
Long Term Stability (Aging) |
¡¾1ppb max. per day.
¡¾100ppb max. per day. |
Output Waveform |
Per customer requirements, see how - to - oder instruction
HCMOS, TTL, Sinewave +3dBm min.
(Available up to +7dBm) |
Load |
Three Gate for logic output 50ohm for sinewave output
Frequency Stavility
vs. Load Variation |
¡¾1 to 20ppb max. for ¡¾5% Variation |
Supply Voltage |
Per customer requirements, see how - to - oder instruction |
Supply Power (at 25¡É) |
Typical : 6.0W for warm-up 1.0W max. at steadu state |
Warm up Time |
Typical : To within ¡¾0.1ppm from final frequency in 4 min. 25¡É |
Frequency Pulling Range
(by external voltage) |
Typical : ¡¾0.1ppm to 2.0ppm mon. |
Control Voltage Range |
+0.5 to Vcc-0.5V |
Slope |
Positive |
Linearity |
¡¾10% max. |
Regerence Voltage |
Per customer requirements |
Phase Noise |
Typical : -100dBc at 10Hz offset
-120dBc at 10Hz offset
-140dBc at 10Hz offset
-150dBc at 10Hz offset
Available in different performence |
Short term Stavility |
5 x 10-©ö©ö (Allan variance at 1sec.) |